Carpenter Ant Appearance
- Carpenter ants are single-thorax ants, which means there is only one segment separating the abdomen and thorax.
- They are most often black but can also be brown, tan, or reddish in color.
- Carpenter ant swarmers (reproductive ants) have two sets of wings.
Carpenter Ant Habits and Behavior
- Carpenter ants don’t have stingers like fire ants, but they can inflict a little “nip” on your finger. But that’s not the real problem.
- They are mistaken for termites, which are also wood-destroying pests.
- They don’t eat it like termites. But they will burrow into the wood frame of your home roof beams, or even trees in your yard.
- Because carpenter ants don’t eat wood, they leave their remnants in little piles called “frass,” which looks like sawdust.
- In the spring, carpenter ants that have an established colony will swarm an area to expand.
Carpenter Ant Habitat
- They establish nests inside and outside structures (whichever has more moisture).
- They prefer damp, moist wood to construct their nests. This includes hollow trees, logs, posts, landscaping timbers, and wood used in homes and other structures.
- Heavy carpenter ant activity can indicate a moisture issue within your home or business.